Packed To The...Burfords? Simon Conti, brother-in-law to Warren 'Coachy' Burford and former Bullets great, Lucy Burford, has joined The Bullets for the 2008 season. After playing his first game way back in Round 6 2006, Conti has had to work hard to get another chance at the top level, having toiled away in the Bullets affiliate VFL side. Conti is the latest player to represent recreational football's first family, The Burfords. He is thrilled with the opportunity he has been given to play in the seniors this season, although it appears not everybody shares his excitement. Several fans have voiced concerns that nepotism may be running rampant at the club, with one player even allegedly telling a news reporter this past week that they are fearful they may lose their spot in the side to Zoe, the Burford family's Maltese terrier.